Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Brother 14 - 2nd HOH Competition; Coaches Competition; Veto Competion and Nomination

Frank won the Head of Household competition, "Big Brother Break-In". The houseguests had to determine whether a burglar that entered the house was guilty or not guilty of a certain crime. HouseGuests were eliminated by answering incorrectly. 
Big Brother season 14 HOH Competition

Janelle won the second coaches competition, "Phat Stacks", and chose to give Ashley immunity from the nominations. She also single-handedly chose the four Have-Nots for the week: Willie, Shane, JoJo, and Ian. 

On Day 14, Willie was expelled from the house, after going on a rampage in which he threw pork rinds at Janelle, swore at the female houseguests, and headbutted Joe.

 Minutes later, JoJo and Shane were nominated for eviction. On Day 15, Shane won the Power of Veto competition. Shane removed himself from the block, and Frank then nominated Danielle for eviction.
Danielle or Jojo

*source: wikipedia

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